Major California Refinery places order with Cemtek KVB-Enertec for 3 Continuous Emissions Monitoring Systems (CEMS) & Cemtek NetDAHS Data Acquisition Software (DAHS) & SEAL Controller for a new reformer project as part of a plant process upgrade.
Santa Ana, CA, – January 12th, 2020
Cemtek KVB-Enertec, a technology leader in Continuous Emissions Monitoring Systems (CEMS) was selected by a major California Refinery to supply Three (3) Fully Extractive CEMS, NOx and O2, for two stacks, and one SCR inlet on a reformer furnace project to measure emissions real-time 24/7 emissions while recording the data on the DAHS supplied by Cemtek KVB-Enertec.
The client said Cemtek KVB-Enertec’s prior excellent performance when supplying CEMS to them was the reason they came back to Cemtek for CEMS on the new upgrade. Cemtek will engineer, built, tested, install and certify these CEMS to meet a tight schedule that requires extensive project management. The CEMS will measure NOx, CO, NH3 & O2 and will be meet all local State & EPA rules & regulations.
For more information on Cemtek CEMS & Services, please visit: Cemtek KVB-Enertec is a division of Cemtek Group and provides a single source for cost effective engineering, gas monitoring, Data Acquisition systems (DAHS), CEMS design, integration and field services. All phases of Air Monitoring and reporting requirements are provided using our network of highly skilled Field Service Technicians, CEMS Specialists, Engineers and extensive CEMS design experience, measuring NO, NO2, NOX, SO2, CO, CO2, HCl, NH3, THC, H2S, HCN, HF, HCHO, Hg and many process gasses.
CEMTEK KVB-Enertec, Inc.
Western Regional Sales Manager
Michelle Nelson
3041 S Orange Ave, Santa Ana, CA, 92707
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